Juan Fossati y Gimena Aramburu in Romania
Bucharest, Romania, February 15-17, 2019
From Friday from 19.00 till Sunday at midnight we will dance and enjoy argentine tango in Bucharest.
Friday, February 15
19.00 WT1 - Tehnica para mujeres
Dancing with the whole body! Not only your legs define you! Use your center to complete your movements. Present embrace to allow dialogue and make you free to choose
19.00 MT1 - Technica para hombres
Keep walking but deciding when and how. Let's put down roots to improve our dance and axis. Cross, turn, walk, pivot. Enhance your fluency
20.30 - 22.00 WS2 Musicality
The sound of movements. Tempo, accents, and some nice combinations for the dance floor. Playing a duo with your partner.
Location: Bd. Pache Protopopescu 43A
Saturday, February 16
13.00 WS3 Giros y enrosques
Around men or women, how to keep your axis and stay grounded while you turn. Square the circle. Diassociation as the engine of any round movement.
15.00 WS4 Voleos y Sacadas
Different combination and techniques for both roles. Dynamics greyscale. From the simple ones to some that are trickier!!!
Location: Rio Club, Str. Bărăției 31
Gran Milonga y Show
21.00 - 04.00
Clubul Țăranului, Str. Monetăriei 2 (P. Victoriei)
Sunday, February 17
14.00 WS5 Developing creativity (vol. I)
Improvisation and tools to expand the possibilities of our tango. How to have fun and remember we dance because we enjoy it!
16.00 WS6 Developing creativity (vol. II)
Creating new tango from oldies but goldies. Improvisation and tools to expand the possibilities of our tango.
Location: Rio Club, Str. Bărăției 31
Milonga A los Amigos
20.00 - 24.00
Dialogue Social Bar, Str. Hristo Botev 1 (Piata Rosetti)
Choose the Smart, Sharp or Full pack and learn tango from the best maestros Juan Fossati y Gimena Aramburu
Smart Pack
3 workshops + 1 tehnique
Milonga A los Amigos +
Gran Milonga with
Show of Maestros!
Full Pack
5 workshops + 1 tehnique
Milonga A los Amigos +
Gran Milonga with
Show of Maestros!
Sharp Pack
One workshop +
Milonga A los Amigos +
Gran Milonga with
Show of Maestros!
Termeni si Condiții pentru Înregistrare
1. Accesati formularul de inregistrare.
2. Completati-l cu datele de contact cerute.
3. Bifati cu atentie pachetele si seminariile dorite si apasati butonul "Trimite"
4. Dupa procesarea formularului veti primi un email de confirmare a primirii formularului.
5. Faceti plata si anuntati-ne prin email.
6. Va vom confirma inregistrarea ferma in scris.
Trimiterea doar a formularului completat nu va garanteaza locul la seminar. Inscrierea devine efectiva doar dupa plata taxei de participare (in max. 10 zile de la inregistrare). Bazandu-ne pe experintele anterioare si pe recomandarile facute de invitatii nostri, pentru acest seminar VĂ RECOMANDĂM (dar NU vă obligăm) să vă inscrierieți in cupluri - leader/follower.
Motivul pentru care este recomandat sa va inscrieti impreuna cu un partener este acela ca este de dorit sa avem un numar egal de lideri si follow-eri pentru a obtine maximum de eficienta. Asta nu insemna ca veti dansa doar cu partenerul cu care ati venit. Frecventa si necesitatea schimbarii partenerilor este exclusiv la latitudinea profesorului.
Politica de anulare a participarii.
In cazul renuntarii la participarea la seminar taxa nu este rambursabila.
This is how you can register to the event:
We highly recommend to register with a partner! (but is not mandatory)
Registration must be done via the registration form and valid personal data must be provided. You will receive an automated email confirming your registration request. In case you don’t receive this email, check your SPAM folder and verify that you have provided a valid email address, please.
We will need a couple of days to process your registration request. Then you will receive a personal e-mail with the details of where, when and how to make the payment.
First come, first served will be applied for selection of participants.
The confirmation for participation is bound to the person who has registered. In case of cancellation, there is no refund of the registration fee.
If you register as a couple, you must fill in the registration form with your data and your partner’s personal data too.
All single registrations will be put on the waiting list first and confirmations will be sent to you as soon as we (us or you) find a partner to register with you.
For any specific request please contact us in that case by email: gilbert.iscu@gmail.com
Event locations
WS1 y WT1 + MT1 - Technica para hombres y mujeres will be at Tangotangent studio - Bd. Pache Protopopescu 43A
Workshops on Saturday and Sunday will take place in Rio Club (Salsa Factory) 31, Baratiei Street. (near Magazinul Cocor)
GRAN Milonga con Show Juan y Gimena (Saturday, 21.00) - Clubul Țăranului, Str. Monetăriei 3 (Piața Victoriei)
Milonga a los Amigos (Sunday) - - Dialogue Social Bar, Str. Hristo Botev 1 (Piața Rosetti)
Amazing Tango Videos with Juan y Gimena
Osvaldo Pugliese y Su Orquesta - Patetico (tango)
Lucio Demare y Su Orquesta Tipica - Una Emocion (tango)
Juan D'Arienzo - La Endiablada (milonga)
Lucio Demare - Torrente (tango)
Juan Fossati y Gimena Aramburu
Juan Fossati begins his artistic training at the Vocational Art Institute in 1987, complemented by music, studying piano with different teachers, among which stands out Nicolás Ledesma and at the Popular Music School of Avellaneda.
Juan started to learn tango-dance at the beginning of the 90's in the National School of Buenos Aires and with numerous recognised teachers of all generations, like Rodolfo and Gloria Dinzel, Carlos Gavito, Milena Plebs, Roberto Herrera, Rubén and Sabrina Veliz, Daniel Juarez and Alejandra Armenti, to name a few.
In 2000, he founded a company called Tanguardia, performing at the III Buenos Aires Tango Festival, at the IFT Theater, at CC Borges and touring Cuba.
Throughout his career he worked in different Buenos Aires Dinner Show such as Complejo Tango, Café de los Angelitos, Piazzolla Tango and aboard the Seven Seas Mariner cruise, among others.
In the beginning of his professional career in dance he achieved the 1st place in the "Hugo del Carril" contest and became 2nd-champion of the Metropolitan Championship of Tango Salón with style and elegance.
Between 2002 and 2004 he joined the show "Vamos al Tango" of the Fundación Konex, winner of 4 “Estrella de Mar” awards, fulfilling the double role of dancer and choreographic assistant.
Between 2003 and 2006 he participated in feature films such as "Tango, un giro extraño", by M. García Guevara and in "El último Bandoneón", by A. Saderman.
In 2006, he joins the company "No Bailarás", with which performs at the Auditorium Parco della Música in Rome, Teatro Maipo, La Trastienda, Teatro de la Ribera, Teatro del Globo, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Bangkok International Music and Dance Festival, International Theater Festival in Gerona, National Theater of Chaillot, Paris, Municipal Theater of Sao Paulo, International Tango Festival of Tarbes, among others.
In 2011 he started to play Bandoneon, studying with different teachers, and currently he plays in the Semillero Tango Orchestra.
In Argentina and abroad, he performed with orchestras such as Juan de Dios Filiberto, Orquesta de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires,Orquesta Escuela de Tango, El Arranque, Osvaldo Berlingieri Sexteto, Vale Tango, Ramiro Gallo Quinteto, Fernández Fierro and Leopoldo Federico.
Since 2014, he works for the Ministry of Culture of the Nation, producing performances and coordinating the Tango Area of the “Artistic Action and Promotion” Program of the National Direction of Cultural Management and Programming.
In the meantime he developed a wide teaching activity in Buenos Aires (Inst. Sup. of Art of the Colón Theater, Konex Cultural Center, C.E.T.B.A., among others) and around the world (San Pablo, Rome, Palermo, Madrid, Frankfurt, Wuppertal, Stuttgart, Paris, Toulouse, Bucharest, Istanbul, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and other cities)
Nowadays, he is part of the key generation of dancers in search of new languages of expression within the tango, investigating, choreographing and transmitting a new way of looking at this popular dance.